F# Videos 2016

This are carefully selected best-of F# videos about the “Real World Usage of FSharp” / “F# in der Praxis

The 3D Geometry of Louvre Abu Dhabi

Speakers: Goswin Rothenthal
Topics: CAD, architecture, construction
The 3D Geometry of Louvre Abu Dhabi _ fsharpConf 2016 _ Channel 9  

Note: for the following you need to register for a free account to view videos from https://skillsmatter.com

Building scientific experiments with F#

Speakers: Anton Tcholakov
Topics: NMR Spectrometer, Confocal Microscope, instrument control software

Building scientific experiments with F# SkillsCast 15th April 2016 - Confocal Microscope  Building scientific experiments with F# SkillsCast 15th April 2016 - NMR Spectrometer

In conclusion:
F# is a really really great fit for instrument control software,
thanks to the powerful async and reactive programming features.
The Functional Programming paradigm and the scripting really aids the kind of prototyping work and the Units of Measure they are really welcome on the top of the type system.”
— Anton Tcholakov

Enterprise F#

Speakers: Bull Colin
Topics: compare C# and F# project, contract management system
Enterprise F# SkillsCast 15th April 2016.mp4 - A case study - contract management system